By popular request, I am not shoving your money back in your hands, it will be optional. I will put together a survey for this (likely when I get a means to start paying people back, be that employment or whatever). I also still need to figure out the logistics of what order people should be paid back in.
Also by popular request, I am putting up a Patreon page, which is located here. I put very little effort into it, but as noted I think my effort is better spent actually working on the game. Previously I did have a patronage page on this website, and even though I never once advertised or mentioned it, people found it on their own and I had over $100/month coming in from this, which really helped. It is also accessible via the "Patrons" link at the top of this site. Old patrons (who donated via Paypal) - please cancel your patronage (or I will do it for you when I get the chance). If you still wish to be a patron (and I really won't judge you either way), you can use the Patreon page. The old list of patrons will remain in place, for the historical record. :)
If you are not already aware of the state of things, I may have to get a job soon so I am hesitant to recommend providing further funds as my pace will be slow. If I get enough money (I mean, via whatever job I take), I might hire someone who costs less than I do to work on it (or at least to help me with certain tasks) - I am also supposed to have someone interning for me this summer but I don't know what that will yield (they volunteered to though). Anyhow, I am still evaluating all options at this point and trying to figure out the best plan of attack. There have been some good suggestions so far, feel free to add any more.